Numerology is a blessing on mankind
Numerology is a science of numbers. It is important to understand that everything in the world is dependent on numbers. A Numerologist can help us to understand the world and ourselves, provide insights about our personality traits by working out things like your birth number, life path number and sun number. Birth number is the date of birth; sun number is the addition of the month you are born in and the birth number; while your life path number is the sum total of the date of birth, month and the year we are born in. Jyoti Soni, a Numerologist, Tarot Card Reader, Neuro Linguistic Programming coach and a Spiritual Counsellor discusses how Numerology can help for a successful marriage, studies and career.
The importance of date of birth
With the help of date of birth of a person, a Numerologist can provide insights about the life of a client, the nature, temperaments, strengths and weaknesses. There is a simple way to calculate the birth number which is also known as the psyche number. You just have to add your birthday — for example, if a person is born on Feb 22, add 2+2=4. His/her birth number is 4. Knowing your birth number can help you find your compatibility with a partner, business partners and the career that is suitable for you.
Number 1
People who are born on the dates 1,10,19 and 28 are compatible with 2,3 and 9. Here, number 2 usually acts like a follower. People with number 1 always dominate them. Number 3 can be a friend and guide and can help with decision making. Number 9 are ideal partners and friends with number 1. They have high energy levels and bring positivity in each other’s lives.
Number 2
People with number 2 are ruled by the Moon. They are attractive and tender by nature, artistic and romantic. Those who are born on 2, 11, 20 and 29 are compatible with 1, 3 and 2. People with number 1 are supportive with number 2 and can be a good friend and a guide. Number 3 are not just friends but mentors to people having number 2. They always give good advice and can share a good bond on a spiritual or philosophical level with number 2s.
Number 3
They are ruled by Jupiter. They are spiritual and friendly, disciplined and self-centered. They are independent, bold and hard working. They are born on 3, 12, 21 and 30 and are compatible with 1, 2 and 9. If you are a number 1, you are as ambitious as a number 3. Both the parties can execute their ideas well. Number 3’s and 1’s are authoritative and disciplined. So, they are compatible for marriage and business. Number 2 are static but people with number 3 are active. They can understand 2 very well and can be good life or business partners. Number 9 have good organisational skills and are hard working too. The wisdom of people with number 3 and the energy of 9 prove successful in any relationship. Number 3 are always
lucky for 9.
Number 4
They are ruled by Rahu and known for their secretive and rebellious personality, impulsive and short-tempered nature. They face frequent ups and downs in life. They are born on 4, 13, 22 and 31 and are compatible with 5,7 and 8. People with number 4 should avoid partnerships of any kind with number 5, as they make better friends than life partners. Number 7 can be good friends, business partners and life partners. People with number 8 help people with number 4 for grounding and channelising their extreme levels of energy. So, it’s always advisable for number 4 to select a partner with number 8 for marriage, business and friendship.
Number 5
They are ruled by Mercury. They are intellectual. People with number 5 are born on 5, 14 and 23 and compatible with 1,4 and 6. Number 1 brings luck and social status to people with number 5 but they do not make for good life partners. People with number 5 have communication skills and they are compatible for business with number 1. People with number 4 are not perfect life partners, but can be good friends. Number 6 are tender and loving, they help people with number 5 to get rid of their restlessness. So people with number 6 are compatible for marriage and business with number 5.
Number 6
They are ruled by Venus. They are polite and diplomatic people, but know how to manipulate. A bit slow and sensual as well romantic at heart. They are born on 6,15 and 24 and compatible with 4, 5 and 8. People with number 4 are harmonious but they are never ready to accept any suggestions from others. People with numbers 6 and 4 are attracted towards each other. However, they can be good friends but not partners. Number 5 works as counsellor for 6. They can be good business partners as well friends. Number 8 are beneficial to number 6 for business ventures and spirituality.
Number 7
They are ruled by Ketu. They are innovative and intuitive personalities. Sometimes, they act mystical, and live a dreamy life. They are prone to mood swings and can be disruptive. They are born on 7,16 and 25 and compatible with 1, 2 and 9. Number 1 are punctual and disciplined. They bring improvement for number 7 in business partnerships. Number 2 are compatible with number 7 for a marriage. But in business partnership they are not good entrepreneurs. So, they tend to suffer losses. People with number 9 teach practical ideas to people with number 7. So they are both mutually beneficial to each other. Men with number 9 and women with number 1 can be a good combination, but not in reverse.
Number 8
They are ruled by Saturn. They are intellectual but egoistic. They are hard working and visionary people but mostly misunderstood by others. They are born on 8,17 and 26 and compatible with 1 and 2. People with numbers 1 and 8 are exactly opposite. That’s why they attract each other. People with number 1 gives good energy, happiness and inspiration to people with number 8. People with number 8 don’t accept the rules and regulations, imposed by number 1. That’s the only reason they can drift away. Unfortunately, their business or life partnerships don’t last for long. People with number 1 are still good for friendship and romance with number 8 as they bring a vibrancy to their life. However, they are not meant for long term business partnerships, but periodic association can bring them good money. A marriage between them is not so good.
Number 9
People with number 9 are ruled by Mars. They are a perfectionist, with a discriminating nature and short temper. They are born on 9, 18 and 27 and compatible with 1, 4 and 5. People with number 1 are helpful and good for number 9. They are a good match for business, life and friendship. A long term relationship is best avoided with a number 4, as they are opposite of number 9. People with number 5 and 9 are good companions.
Numerology and tarot for finding a soulmate
Soni states that she takes help of Tarot cards to confirm the Numerology readings. If the lovers card, 2 of Cups and 10 of Cups are picked, then it confirms that the partners are compatible.
Numerology for business
Soni states that an indepth study of name numerology of the person, the company name and product numerology are important. For instance, people with favourable number 6, they excel in jewellery business. People with birth date number 2, administration work is good for them while people with number 5 can excel in politics and media.
Numerology for studies
Soni states that she helps children to concentrate better on their studies and improvise their nature and temperaments, in case of any shortcomings by providing remedies.
Written by : Kainaz Choksey
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